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The Program I used to jump a 40+ inch vertical.

You'll gain access to a 3-week plyometric workout series from my personal vertical jump journey and a bunch of other very useful resources for athletic performance. And the best part is you can keep redoing the program after 3 weeks.

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$38.5 USD

What you will receive:

  • ​​       3-week Bodyweight Plyometric Workout

  •        Jumper's Nutrition Guide

  •        Rest & Recovery Guide

  •        Plyometrics Library

  •        Direct Contact with me To ask any questions

My name is Michael, and I am 5'10" tall. I have been the top-ranked high jumper in Hong Kong for the past 6 years, and I have competed on many occasions representing Hong Kong in the High Jump. I placed 8th at the Asian championships and 13th at the Asian Games. In addition to my competitive career, I am also a full-time university student and a Certified ISSA Personal Trainer. For the last 7 years, I have been deeply immersed in learning as much as possible about vertical jump development. During this time, I have tried every jump training program I could find, taken relevant certification courses, reached out to world-class coaches and athletes, studied their data and training philosophies, and asked them countless questions.

As a result of this extensive research and hands-on experience, I've been able to develop my own vertical jump to around 45 inches and 6'11 in the high jump a. This multifaceted approach, combining academic learning, practical application, and collaboration with elite-level experts, has been instrumental in my ability to consistently perform at the top of my sport and help others achieve their vertical jump goals.

This Program

This is a 3-week plyometric training program with minimal use of equipment. This is the only/exact program I used to get to a 40-inch/100cm vertical and jump 2.09m in the High Jump. I have shared this program with several athletes, and on average, they jumped 5 inches higher and able to reach a 35-inch vertical or more within 2 months of following it. While beginners may see even more rapid improvements, this program can be beneficial for almost anyone looking to enhance their vertical jump. By buying this program, you are also supporting my athletics career.

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